“Can you send an invitation for this event?.”
And now it starts... Every salesrep send you his/her list, the invoicing department gives you the list of all customers, somewhere there is also an address list of the sector bought from a provider.
After combining all list to one single format it is send to the accountmanagers to allow them to choose which persons should get the invitation. As you all know, a lot of time is needed for this frustrating job to finally get a usefull list.
Defining customer groups
For analysing your customer database, BlueCRM is of great help. The powerfull search engine in BlueCRM allows you to quickly make a list of many criteria. For instance, contacts from some region and some industry which are already a customer.
Everybody in the company gets benifits while having a central database, but your sales and marketing team will get most out of it.
E-mail sending, exporting address lists, with BlueCRM it happens intuitive and it is timesaving
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